December 12, 2024
More than 7 years ago, many people told me that I was crazy signing Instagram model/fitness star Jen Selter. She was a "flash in the pan", "no substance", "what's wrongRead More
Evan Morgenstein, visionary and CEO of such iconic agencies as PMG Sports, CelebExperts and Celebrity Trending 10 has started a boutique agency, The Digital Renegades, a division of CelebExperts LLC,Read More
I must be candid with you. I do 5-10 calls a day with big and small brands. They are all asking the same question, "can I get a ROI byRead More
Social Media Influencer Posts Should Automatically Drive Sales, Right? That's if influencer posts ever really drove sales in the first place. And isn’t that the issue? Companies, huge multinational corporationsRead More
Social Media Star vs. Micro-Influencers: The best way to start this conversation about social media stars vs. micro-influencers is with an acknowledgement that yes, size does matter. Both big andRead More
How To Utilize Social Media Stars in the New Digital Age We get 3-5 new account leads every day. Usually from emerging companies contacting us to help execute a social mediaRead More
It’s easy to say utilizing social media stars to affect your company and/or brand’s fortunes have become so challenging because the flood of influencers and the seeming endless lack ofRead More