influencer posts driving sales

Why Aren’t Influencer Posts Driving Sales?

Social Media Influencer Posts Should Automatically Drive Sales, Right?

That’s if influencer posts ever really drove sales in the first place. And isn’t that the issue? Companies, huge multinational corporations have lost their shit and turned over massive amounts of their sales and marketing efforts to 20 something women who have ZERO background in selling and mostly a master’s degree in gaining attention to themselves. I get it. I’m a dinosaur, or so you would think.

I run one of the most sophisticated influencer brand management and marketing programs in the world. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Jen Selter‘s world!  The knowledge my agency has generated through 50 different executions over the last 4 years gives me an insight into the marketplace that I feel few have just based on the insane asks and the ridiculous ROI projections I hear time and time again for influencer posts.  I was in a meeting not too long ago when a member of the management team gave me a breakdown of an influencer’s audience. It went something like this…

Management Guy:  “Hey so this influencer you are selling. She has 5 million followers. So if we can get only 1% of her followers to buy which is ‘really low’, and our product retails for $50, we can make…  hmmm, we can make a shit load of money.”

Me: “Ummmmm……”

Management Guy: “Did I do the math wrong?”

Me: “Ummmm…..”

Management Guy: “We are very confident if the influencer with her influence can influence her audience in a real, sorta straight on, authentic kinda thing, this will kill.”

Me: “Ummmm….”

Management Guy: “So we have a deal?”

Me: “Ummmm….”

So the moral of the story is that just because some management guy can crush a few numbers in a way that just isn’t realistic, don’t waste your money on just influencer posts. UNLESS you want branding, add to your social media, create a database/silo and last but most important, YOU HAVE FRIGGIN PATIENCE!!!!

Let me say that again. If you are a marketing manager, digital manager, entrepreneur, start-up wanna be etc., don’t believe the old adage, “If they post it they will come… and buy it”.  “Ain’t gonna happen” as my old friend Jalen Rose always says on his show Jalen and Jacoby.

The level of integration to get any ROI on influencer posts programs now is very much in flux. I am working with many of the top data scientists, agencies and visionaries on these types of equations. Yes, they are math equations. Where is the best place to put time, energy and money? That is a math equation, not a hope and a prayer.

If you want to have a meaningful conversation on where we see the industry and how we might be able to assist you, your brand, agency or company, please let us know. For more information, contact us today at or call (919) 332-0584. We can help!