January 9, 2025
Drake rocks the mic in creative new TV and digital advertisements for Sprite resulting in one of the hottest marketing campaigns of the summer! The exciting arrival of sunny, summerRead More
It never ends. I have been to every state in the US. I have been to five (5) Olympic Games. I have been to four (4) continents. And it neverRead More
Is 2015 the year of celebrity marketing campaigns on social media? Good question. The world of executing traditional celebrity endorsement deals is dead! Companies and brands are becoming unwilling to hireRead More
Here's our corporate consulting tips to properly assess a celebrity's social media usage before launching headlong into a celebrity social media campaign. I am in a very unique position based onRead More
CelebExperts explains why Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson is More Marketable in the World of Celebrity Acquisition Than Brad Pitt! Your first reaction is, Evan you are crazy! I tell you IRead More
The new division will focus directly on small businesses who want to hire a celebrity spokesperson. It was announced today that CelebExperts, a leading corporate consulting and celebrity acquisition agency,Read More
The popular ABC entrepreneurial business TV series has provided an opportunity for small businesses to gain a leg up on their competition. It is undeniable that every small business owner, entrepreneurRead More
Most traditional marketers, aka dinosaurs will have no idea who Jen Selter is or why she is one of the most relevant icons in marketing today. Yes, lets get throughRead More
Supermodels, Singers and Actresses continue to outpace the market for endorsement deals during the month of October. While the rest of the world was busy carving pumpkins and scheming costumeRead More
Most companies who are thinking about hiring World Series MVP Madison Bumgarner as their corporate spokesperson are out of their minds! In the world of supply and demand, here isRead More
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